Insights from Catalyst

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  • Cybersecurity: Focus on Personal Accountability

    October 10, 2019 | Kay Sikes

    National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) is held throughout the month of October as a collaborative effort between government and industry to draw attention to the importance of cybersecurity, and to encourage Americans to engage in safer and more secure online practices.
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  • What to Consider When Creating a Contingency Funding Plan

    September 26, 2019 | Leah Schlangen

    Managing a credit union comes with its rewards and challenges. And in today’s market, one of the most prevalent challenges is managing the various types of risk credit unions face. There’s credit risk, interest rate risk, concentration risk and reputation risk – just to name a few. However, one particular risk factor that has loomed in the distance, but is now quickly moving up the ranks, is liquidity risk.
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  • Identifying Cybersecurity Threats & the Monetary Impact of an Attack

    September 12, 2019 | Brent Smith

    An effective cybersecurity risk measurement process identifies the “weakest link” in a business process and its vulnerabilities. Once that's done, it’s important to look at the types of threats the asset faces and the potential impacts of a successful attack.
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  • Why Pay a Premium for a Bond?

    August 22, 2019 | Al Schiliro

    It’s important that investors understand how premium bonds work and the benefits they provide. Bonds bought at a premium can actually help reduce volatility, generate greater cash flow and even provide higher yields.
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  • A Primer for Measuring Cybersecurity Risk

    August 08, 2019 | Brent Smith

    In 2018, cybersecurity risk was ranked as the number one concern for NCUA – it even ranks ahead of credit risk and fraud risk at credit unions. However, regulators have provided little in the way of risk management tools for credit unions to measure cybersecurity risk in monetary terms, such as how to calculate how much capital or earnings is at risk from a cyberattack or if a new cybersecurity tool will be worth the time and money required to install it.
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