Catalyst offers a Loan Participation Program that is open to all credit unions nationwide. As the leading credit union loan participation program, credit unions benefit from an extensive community of buyers and sellers on the Loan Participation Exchange.

The Loan Participation Exchange is an online platform where loan participation sellers can offer their loan pools to an unparalleled source of potential credit union buyers. The platform provides loan participation buyers a safe and secure environment to view available loan pools, obtain pricing, view loan due diligence, and submit purchase indications all in one place.

How Can Buying Loan Participations Help You And Your Members?

Credit unions buy loans for many reasons, whether it is generating a return on excess liquidity or diversifying assets. By taking advantage of profit sharing, credit unions can ensure they are always participating in strong lending markets, even if their individual market is slowing down.

  • Profit sharing in strong markets
  • Management of excess liquidity
  • Access to higher yielding assets
  • Support for shrinking loan portfolios
  • Reduced geographic risks
  • Diversification

How Can Selling Loan Participations Help You And Your Members?

Loan participations are a key tool available to credit unions and they offer several benefits to sellers. A loan participation sale is more than just turning a pool of loans into cash, it creates bottom line benefits that large loan participation sellers covet. These include:

  • Greater diversity of income channels
  • Increased earnings levels
  • Improved member branding and image
  • Enhanced dealer relationships
  • Stronger access to liquidity
  • Diversification

Visit the Loan Participation Exchange

  • Can Selling Loan Participations Increase Income?

  • Can Selling Loan Participations Help Credit Unions Outperform The Industry?

  • Can Buying Loan Participations Generate Income?

  • Can Buying Loan Participations Help Manage Asset/Liability Ratios?

  • How Can Catalyst Help You Buy & Sell Loans?

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Resources & News

PDF iconLoan Participation Brochure