Market Overview & Data Report

The monthly Market Overview & Data Report is a comprehensive summary of the prior month’s key economic and market metrics that are fundamental to credit union financial management. The report not only summarizes key economic and market data, but also explains how these metrics are relevant to credit unions. It further includes industry peer performance data and assessment, relative value evaluation, and an upcoming economic calendar. It is also an excellent report to include in credit union board and ALCO packets.

July 05, 2024MOD Report July 2024PDF274.97 KB Download
June 10, 2024MOD Report June 2024PDF262.13 KB Download
May 03, 2024MOD Report May 2024PDF263.99 KB Download
April 05, 2024MOD Report April 2024PDF263.08 KB Download
March 08, 2024MOD Report March 2024PDF255.67 KB Download
February 02, 2024MOD Report February 2024PDF411.56 KB Download