Insights from Catalyst

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  • Reinvestment Risk: Welcome Back, We Didn’t Miss You

    July 25, 2019 | John Kirby

    It’s no secret the American economy is still strong, but slowing down. Leading economic indicators for a downturn are piling up week by week. The Federal Reserve has added the goal of sustaining the longest economic expansion in history to its dual mandate of stable prices and low unemployment.
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  • Clearing Loan Participation Hurdles without Breaking Stride

    July 11, 2019 | Mark DeBree, CFA

    Is liquidity tight and loan demand strong at your credit union? In the past, you’ve likely looked at selling loan participations to ease liquidity and create balance sheet capacity for continued loan demand. However, as interest rates rose, you may have been hesitant to enter into a loan participation sale due to potential pricing below par. But with the potential for falling interest rates ahead, are there reasons to revisit this decision?
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  • 2019 Mid-Year Review: Trade and the Fed Equal a 6-Month Turnaround

    June 27, 2019 | Sarina Freedland

    2019 began where 2018 left off…waiting for a resolution to the growing trade dispute with China and wondering what the next interest rate move would be. The Federal Reserve closed out 2018 with a 25 basis point rate hike that became hotly debated as soon as it was executed.
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  • A Checkpoint from the Road to Faster Payments

    June 13, 2019 | Glenn Wheeler

    The FPC held its first meeting on May 29, 2019. The purpose of the meeting was to further establish the FPC framework, outline work group initiatives and continue the overall faster payments momentum.
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  • Delivering Valuable Economic Insights with a Side of Creativity

    May 23, 2019 | Terry Young

    Credit unions’ love affair with economics is going to become more graphic this year. Allow me to explain. For 20 years now, one of my favorite roles has been to connect credit union leaders to the emerging financial landscape via an annual Economic Forum.
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