Insights from Catalyst

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  • What You’re Experiencing…is Reinvestment Risk

    October 26, 2020 | John Kirby

    As we enter the eighth month of the pandemic, credit unions that have consistently maintained a short-term investment strategy may be starting to see their investment income levels drop as they complete their 3rd quarter call report. We’ve already seen net interest incomes drop since the market crashes this spring, as the zero-interest rate environment leaves less room for net spread between cost of funds and what you’re earning on assets.
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  • What Should You Expect from your ACH Provider?

    October 22, 2020 | Justin Lutes

    Taking advantage of add-on services, such as an ACH solution, from your core provider just makes sense for credit unions. Or does it? Although core providers may offer incentives to gain your add-on ACH business, you’ll want to ensure their product functionality, features, service and support match yours and your members’ expectations before signing the contract.
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  • Managing Interest Rate Risk with Derivative Hedging

    October 19, 2020 | Mark Wert

    Not surprisingly, the pandemic has left its mark on the credit union industry. In short, credit unions have experienced a swift increase in assets in 2020 as members continue to grow their savings. As is the case with any recession, consumers generally look to save during uncertain times.
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  • NCUA’s New Proposed Derivative Rule: 3 Key Areas of Focus

    October 16, 2020 | Mark DeBree

    At its October 15, 2020 meeting, the NCUA Board proposed a new derivative rule that greatly eases the prescriptive nature of the previous rule and credit unions’ burden for gaining authority.
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  • Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop. Faster Payments Momentum Continues

    October 08, 2020 | Glenn Wheeler

    Despite challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, the nation’s faster payments initiative is still pushing forward in 2020. The Faster Payments Council recently held its virtual Fall Member Meeting to share critical, emerging information and engage in dialogue supporting faster payments progress.
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