Behind the Numbers Archive

  • Behind the Numbers - Mar 22, 2024

    And Now We Wait Some More - The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted unanimously to keep interest rates steady at the current range. No surprise there. The committee kept to their promise to...
  • Behind the Numbers - Mar 15, 2024

    The January Effect Continues - Just when we thought it was safe to stop worrying, it isn’t. Until recently, most data pointed to a path of falling inflation and a strong economy. The past two months changed...
  • Behind the Numbers - Mar 8, 2024

    Job Market Still Strong...For Now - The U.S. added a respectable 275,000 jobs in February, pointing to the continued strength in the job market. The gain was more than...
  • Behind the Numbers - Mar 1, 2024

    Can We Skip January? - The final look at January inflation was right on target, or at least right on expectations. On a year-over-year basis...
  • Behind the Numbers - Feb 16, 2024

    Tug-of-War with Hot and Cold - Sometimes not getting what you expect can create a very volatile reaction, even if it is a good enough substitute. I am not talking about getting chocolate and flowers instead...